
In college I was what you might call “mildly obsessive” about campus politics. I ran for student government with a group called Delta Force, one of two student coalitions. We called ourselves activists, movers and creative thinkers. The other group, made up largely of fraternity and sorority members, called us hippies and losers.

Being a part of Delta Force involved wearing the same DF t-shirt for weeks on end, pulling three all-nighters in a row during the campaign, skipping class to convince strangers to vote for you, and, at the end, throwing a huge victory party that, despite the fact that only 15% of your candidates won, still rocked like mad.

Even though I’m a year removed from our last campaign, I still get all riled up when I talk about DF. I get sappy about little things, wax overly poetic about our victories and defeats, and find myself wanting to break my heart into little pieces so I can pass it around to the other members.

That’s kind of how I feel about you guys right now. Cheri wrote last week about the “journalists, graphics designers, software programmers, humanitarians, internet wizards or just loungers” who are all part of the Ugandan blogosphere, and Pernille talked recently about the various traits of Ugandan bloggers — caring, schizophrenic, spiced up, courageous and honest, to name a few.

I am thrilled and inspired (I told you I get all sappy…if I were giving a speech, this is when I’d start to cry) by this community, and I think you all deserve to be the blog equivalent of Student Body President.

Since that’s not really how we’re organized, though, you should check out the invitation to be part of a blogging documentary that Pernille posted on Sunday. A group of Danish students is coming here next month to learn about “Ugandans who blog, their reasons to do so, and what opportunities blogging can create for that person and/or Uganda.” They hope the film will help create a blog bridge between Denmark and Uganda.

If you want to be a part of the project, check out Learning by Blogging.

I’m going to go put on my Delta Force t-shirt and cry happy tears about the lovely, thoughtful, hilarious, raw, titilating things you all write.


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