three degrees of joseph kony

Remember that game, the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? Where any actor can be linked to Bacon via his or her film roles?

Turns out you can play the same game with Joseph Kony. Observe:

Degrees of Joseph Kony: 0
Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army.

Degrees of Joseph Kony: 1
Okot Odhiambo, Kony’s right-hand man and second-in-command of the Lord’s Resistance Army. Odhiambo announced earlier this week that he plans to surrender, citing serious wounds received in a battle with the Ugandan military.

Degrees of Joseph Kony: 2
Ben Simon, the Agence France Presse reporter whom Odhiambo called to say he was turning himself in.

Degrees of Joseph Kony: 3
Me, the blogger who met Ben over Ethiopian food and later discussed the Aga Khan’s role at the Daily Monitor with him.

Hat tip: Kristin Antin

Journalist’s “seer” gives him hot tips, protects him from arrest

Timothy Kalyegira, one of Uganda’s most controversial journalists, has long set off my “crazy” radar. He’s a vocal denier of the thousands of political murders perpetrated during Idi Amin’s reign, for one. Even more strange: he’s claimed for almost two years that he has access to a “seer” who predicts the future of African politics.

In today’s Monitor he has an article titled Why I no longer fear President Museveni, in which he somehow manages to equate skepticism at the power of his fortune-telling friend to belief in Museveni’s omnipotence and to declare that this “seer” has guaranteed him protection from censorship and arrest, all at once. Enjoy:

When I first wrote about the seer in July 2006, I was roundly criticised by my colleague Andrew Mwenda who recommended I check into a mental clinic, a view shared by Canadian journalist Murray Oliver of Canadian Television News and a fellow panellist on the then Andrew Mwenda Live show on Kfm.

The idea that there are greater powers than President Museveni in the universe over which he has no control is something most well educated people do not take seriously.

On December 16, 2007, a friend I had gone with to visit the seer asked what she thought was a troubled question. She asked the seer about me and how safe I was writing and on radio uttering all these sensitive things. Was I not in danger from the state, she asked?

Replied the seer, looking in my direction but avoiding eye contact: “That one? [me] They will not manage him!”
Which then leads me to a question once asked by Mwenda; how come we all write about Museveni, attack him and his policies, as you do, and you do it even more mercilessly, but you never get arrested, summoned to CID or police to record a statement, and in general seem to be immune to Museveni’s oppressive state machinery?

Good question. Over the slightest comment or news stories, news reporters, editors, and opposition politicians are whisked off to the police, many of them have been arrested and spent time in jail. But there is one person who somehow escapes all this. Why indeed?

The reasons are plain, as narrated above.

a study in comparisons

I’ve been trying for weeks to come up with something snarky to say about this, but I think the following speaks for itself.

Exhibit A, Kampala, Uganda:

Exhibit B, London, England:

Virgin Atlantic Limobikes

What is Virgin Limobike?
It’s a passenger motorbike. Based in London, it provides the quickest and one of the most glamorous ways to get from A to B. Celebrities use it, business people use it, in fact people from all walks of life use it, whether it be to get to the airport quickly regardless of how bad the traffic is or to glide from one end of London to the other.

Economist, dethroned

Originally posted October 25

EDIT: They apologized. “Freelance journalist in Uganda,” you should be ashamed.

In Uganda I held the Economist as the Holy Grail of Western media. I had a friend who had somehow connived his way into a free transfer of his subscription, and Post Office Mondays were better than weekends because I knew I would find the magazine cradled in the box like a gift from the heavens. The Economist could do no wrong.

Until now, with their article on Iraq and Uganda.

I don’t take issue with the content, and I think it’s great that they’re spreading the reporting love around. Only it’s not exactly reporting, is it, to rip all your information from a Daily Monitor article written two months ago.

Imitation is supposedly the highest form of flattery, in which case David Herbert should be thrilled, but if I were him I’d be composing a very angry SIR— right about now.