o happy day, part two: september UBHH

The infamous 27th Comrade announced it. And then it happened: Kissyfur: So my curiosity did get the best of me right, blame in Sage for all the flack he gave it or the numerous bloggers who defended it. Well Kissyfur did show up at BHH. Mostly because I was going for rock night and needed … Continue reading “o happy day, part two: september UBHH”

june UBHH: fighting with the communist, breakdancing with the blogren

Last week’s UBHH was smaller than usual — we were missing several of the usual suspects (Dennis, Kelly and Glenna) — but we had some new faces and a handful of intense conversations. Revence and I got into another fight, this time about whether Uganda is more democratic than the United States. There are so … Continue reading “june UBHH: fighting with the communist, breakdancing with the blogren”