GVO: Self reflection and the search for meaning in the Ugandan Blogosphere

My first piece is up at Global Voices Online:

The Ugandan bloggers are having an existential crisis of sorts. The self-examination among the Blogren, as they’ve started calling each other, began in January when several bloggers objected to the establishment of Uganda Bloggers Happy Hour and the Uganda Best of Blog awards.

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the blogren

Even when I disagree with the 27th Comrade, I still can’t help but admire him. This time it’s because of The Blogren — the term he coined to refer to Ugandan bloggers.

The Danish blogumentary filmmakers who were here last month assembled an “anthropological study” of The Blogren — an examination of who they are, what they write about and how they interact with one another. They describe blogren(s) as “young, sexy, cool, intelligent…[and] opinionated.” These are part of a string of adjectives that have been used in connection with Ugandan bloggers — Lovely Amphibian likes funny, witty and neurotic. Pernille prefers caring, schizophrenic, spiced up, courageous and honest, and I’ve used lovely, thoughtful, hilarious, raw and titilating.

Lately, though, I’ve been wondering about nouns. When I was designing the Uganda Best of Blogs, I struggled with how to categorize the many, many people who could be considered Ugandan bloggers. For the purpose of their documentary, the Danes were focusing on Ugandans who blog from Uganda. This is the most narrow definition, but there are also non-Ugandans who blog from Uganda and both Ugandans and non-Ugandans who blog from elsewhere. Do you include expats whose blogs are of the “Hi Mom, I made it and I’m alive, don’t worry” variety? Or Ugandan residents who blog only about their daily lives? What about Ugandan expats who write more about where they live in now than about their own country?

Frustrated about the way bloggers responded to the Mabira riots, Owera defines a Ugandan blogger as “a blogger keeping a journal [about] the situation and events [in] Uganda and not necessarily a Ugandan native blogging.” This would exclude most Ugandan expats, a lot of the younger bloggers and some members of the Makerere School, but would include blogs like I Left Copenhagen for Uganda, In an African Minute, Uganda-CAN and Jackfruity.

The Danes write that “an unknown number [of Ugandan bloggers] is considered blogrens,” and the creator of the term has yet to weigh in on the subject, but I prefer a definition that falls somewhere between the focus of the documentary and what Owera has to say. I believe the Ugandan blogosphere should include non-Ugandans and Ugandan emigrants/expats who blog heavily about the country — not just because that’s what I do, but also because these authors can provide new, outside perspective on Ugandan issues and events. I also believe that Ugandan residents who blog about their daily lives play an important role — their accounts of school, family life, dates and pop music, while not as politically charged as some of the other blogs, give the Ugandan blogosphere depth and nuance. It’s this group — Uganda-focused and Ugandan-resident bloggers — that I mean when I say The Blogren.

Tangenitally related is the 27th Comrade’s manifesto on the function of Ugandan bloggers: “Uganda is not one of them countries where bloggers are dissidents….” Definitely worth a read.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Symposium

If you have Thursday morning free, check out the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Symposium:

The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology in collaboration with the Uganda Communications Commission and the Civil Society Organisations invites the public to a half day symposium under the theme “Achieving MDGs, the contribution of ICTs; Public-Private Partnerships and between the Civil Society and Government” at Hotel Africana on Thursday, May 17, 2007 starting at 9:00 AM.

The symposium will focus on educating the public about telecommunications in Uganda, identifying solutions to the challenges facing Uganda’s telecommunications, and (this is where I get excited) promoting awareness of ICTs as tools for economic and social development.

For more information, contact the Uganda Communications Commission, 12th floor Communications House, 0312339000 or 0414339000, ucc@ucc.co.ug.

disaster preparedness

I first remember hearing about it after Columbine — suddenly high schools were locking doors, installing metal detectors and running emergency drills that involved organized cringing in corners, under desks and behind teachers who bravely assured us that it was all “just in case.” Then came weapons of mass destruction, September 11 and Katrina. Everyone, from parents to pundits, was talking about it: disaster preparedness. Being ready for something you’re not sure will ever happen, preparing for the what-ifs. Attempting to manage the, by definition, unmanageable.

Yesterday’s Daily Monitor headline announced that Ugandan Police Chief Kale Kayihura has asked for 8.8 billion shillings to buy anti-riot equipment to “subdue crowds effectively” over the next year. Some, like the Minister of State for Internal Affairs, might hold this up as an exemplary instance of disaster preparedness. Kayihura wants to buy 4000 arms, 1000 pistols, teargas and batons, a request that “seems to be out of the realization that there could be a lot of violence.”

Well, yeah. Last month’s highly-publicized Mabira riots are enough to make anyone responsible for ensuring civil order nervous. Still, I would argue that most of the clashes between police and public have been caused by trigger-happy armed officials attacking generally nonviolent demonstrators, rather than by angry mobs.

Case(s) in point: a peaceful protest at Gulu University, Besigye’s release from Luzira prison (and most FDC rallies), any public appearance of the Black Mambas, and my favorite, the Democratic Party gathering that never happened — where police spent a night hiding in a nearby village with tear gas, ready to “subdue” a crowd that never materialized.

A stitch in time saves nine, and all that, but the balance sheet here suggests that the best course of action for a government worried about violent protests might be twofold: first, to reign in a police force whose use of teargas and batons has proven overeager at its most mild, and second, to address the legitimate concerns of the protesters rather than spending $5 million to “effectively subdue” its citizens.